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Saturday, July 14, 2018

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Peter Jackson is remastering #WW1 footage and it looks truly incredible.

The film has been co-commissioned by IWM and 14-18 Now and will be shared with audiences across the UK through a series of screenings and an extensive learning programme. 
Peter Jackson looks healthier with a few extra lbs on him, he always seemed sickly after he lost all that weight but he is looking good now.

According to 1418Now the film will be broadcast on BBC One in november, and they have yet to announce theatrical releases. I hope this movie doesn't end up passing me by. The remastered footage looks incredible. There has always been a sort of disconnect because of the primacy of the footage. The awkward speed, and unclear footage always made everything seem a little less real, and a little more distant. I think the film appearing as though it could have been filmed last week will, I think, help me to relate more to the people of the war.

The 11th of November is the 100th anniversary of the end of the war.

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