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Wednesday, April 18, 2018



Yes now in a world of turbulent time, everyone is now feeling Adolf Hilter is a great leader :)

Many people will argue and disagree with the fact that a man like Hitler is called a great leader but we have to say that although his actions and deeds were not good but his leadership skills were matched only by few in the world. He became the chancellor of Germany in 1933, rising through the ranks and waged a great war. But his oratory skills, military expansions and economic growth plans are something whose credit we have to duly give him and him alone. Meticulous planning, propaganda and strategizing by Hitler has in some way, shaped the power politics of the world that we see even today.

Although despised through the world, Adolf Hitler was one of the greatest leaders of all time. After becoming the chancellor of Germany in 1933, he was responsible for one of the greatest economic and military expansions the world has ever seen. He successfully invaded more than 10 countries with his brilliant strategy and meticulous planning. His oratory skills, propaganda and planning made him a leader par excellence.

Hitler was a charismatic man who knew how to play to a crowd. However, when faced with a military campaign, he basically knew nothing of tactics, or what weapons would be successful in war, but he lured everyone to believe in his ideology and became Sucessful

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