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Thursday, July 19, 2018


Trump Says This Nation with 2000 Army Can Start World War 3

Donald Trump said this week that the tiny Balkan nation's called MONTENEGRO "aggressive" people were capable of triggering "World War III".

Montenegro defended its history of "peaceful politics," saying the country "contributes to peace and stability not only on the European continent but worldwide, along with US soldiers in Afghanistan." ontenegro was the only ex-Yugoslavian country whose decision to split from the federation did not trigger a war, though its soldiers fought against Croatia's war of independence in the 1990s as part of the Yugoslav army

Montenegro is a tiny country with very strong people... They're very aggressive people. They may get aggressive, and congratulations, you're in World War III," Trump added.
A former US ambassador to NATO slammed the comments as "a gift" to Russian President Vladimir Putin, while senior Republican senator John McCain said Trump was playing into the Russia's hands by "questioning our obligations under NATO."
Montenegro, whose troops number about only 2,000 personnel, joined NATO in June 2017, despite strong opposition from part of the population and violent demonstrations in 2015.
The move also infuriated Russia, with whom relations have soured in recent years as the Balkan nation forges closer ties with the West and eyes entry into the European Union.
 Guess when the World War 3 will happend ? 

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