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Friday, June 1, 2018

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Winning Spelling Bee Word, #Koinonia Is So Easy for Christians

For 2018 Scripps National Spelling Bee championships Koinonia was the winning word for the bee’s champion, 14-year-old speller Karthik Nemmani and a 8th grader at a Texas school and Indian by birth. A Greek word defined as “spiritual community,” it’s better known to believers as a term used to refer to Christian fellowship Karthik, who beat out more than 500 fellow spellers during the most competitive bee in history, said he knew the spelling of the final word as soon as the official pronouncer read it.
And so did many Christians who recognized the word It’s been used to name coffee shops, youth groups, worship bands, retreats, summer camps, and other ministries.
Karthik is the 14th consecutive Indian-American competition champion.
Koinonia is Greek word that appears 19 times in the New Testament. It is first used in Acts 2:42-47 where it talks about the believers coming together every day in unity.  The spirit of koinonia was expressed most perfectly in the “breaking of bread” (Acts 2:42), the communal celebration of the Lord’'s Supper It remains true today that real Christian fellowship stems from our fellowship with God  Our shared fellowship with God has many dimensions, each of which serves as a basis of koinonia

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