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Friday, April 6, 2018


When Facebook becomes 'the DEVIL'

Millions of Americans come to grips with revelations that data from Facebook may have been used to sway the 2016 presidential election, on the other side of the world, rights groups say hatemongers have taken advantage of the social network to widely disseminate inflammatory, anti-Muslim speech in Myanmar

In response to the flood of hate-filled posts, a cross-Myanmar group of tech firms and NGOs has written an open letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, lambasting what they term the "inadequate response of the Facebook team" to escalating rhetoric on the platform in Muslim Countries.

Further facebook is in a BIG issue again confirming scanning private messages its users are sending to each other over Facebook Messenger  Facebook has been under the microscope for possible privacy violations ever since news broke that Trump campaign-linked Cambridge Analytica had used a Facebook app to download dataon 50 million U.S. users from the service. 

Do you feel secure using Facebook ?

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