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Friday, December 15, 2017


North Korea and Terrorists are mining Bitcoins to Fund Wars

North Korea and many terrorist organization have started mining bitcoin at a very large scale. Its even said the ransomware WannaCry was created by North Koreans to fund there nuclear bombs The ransomware effectively encrypted over 75,000 businesses computers worldwide, and then asked for a bitcoin ransom in return for access to the files. 

The annoyminty of mining bitcoins is a major reasons many criminals, corrupts, tax evaders and terorists are now mining or buying bitcoins to fund there illegal operations. This is a major threat to the society and also the innocent investor buying bitcoins in dream of becoming reach one day.

There is still speculation about who is running the operation, but Recorded Future suggests that it is probably government. The website clarified:
It is not clear who is running the North Korean bitcoin mining operations; however, given the relatively small number of computers in North Korea coupled with the limited IP space, it is not likely this computationally intensive activity is occurring outside of state control.

Virtual currencies such as bitcoin are already pervasive among cybercriminal groups dealing in stolen data, hacking toolkits, counterfeit documents, drugs, and weapons in illicit marketplaces on the dark web, a portion of the internet accessible only through encrypted browsers such as Tor.
Criminals and terrorists have differences in motivation, especially when terrorists want to conduct loud and disruptive attacks to draw attention to their cause, while criminals seek to operate under the radar. The two often converge, though, particularly when money is involved. Cyber criminal groups could use their technical expertise to launder terrorist crypto currencies or even conduct cyber operations for payment, including ransomware campaigns that could further finance terrorist operations.

So please take at most care while investing in crypto currencies currently most of the scams are around it, who know the million of money you pour in could be worthless one day..

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